In Assume the Position, I challenged men to step it up and be men and following that in Assume the Position Pt2 I addressed the women and there roles <==== if you have read neither then you need to GETCHO LIFE catch up and come back to this one!
I went to an unsuccessful Christian event (not many Christians showed up <=== that's blog worthy) last week but me and my Girlz made the best of it and rocked out and a rapper named C-Straight [@CStraighttheone] said something that inspired this blog...he was rapping and all I heard was Assume the got me thinking *looks off into distance*
SO after clearing everybody else about what they need to do and what not, its about that time for Candi to bend it on ova, drop it like its hot and ASSUME THE POSITION! <=== bent knees before the Lord that is! ===> I'm at a point in my life where I need to seek God on EVERYTHING like right NOW but as a Christian we should already be doing that...right?
I need to assume the position of mother, sister, friend and most importantly daughter of the Most High. I feel like I'm under serious pressure people! I am (under pressure in my mind) but right now my main focus is my position as Gods beloved and mother to Aiden Josiah.
I know what God called me to do and I have been going through these test to prepare me, one in particular which I have yet to pass *deep sigh* . I go through so that when God brings me out, I can help the next person who goes through. I have been running from Him, even ignoring Him at times because I wanted to do what I wanted. In the times I have spent with God He has truly enlightened me on His word. Every time I try to go MY way I'm checked by Luke 12:48 and that freaks me out but lately my prospective is because God has shown me so much I NEED to step it up and assume the position <=== I'm being watched, it's people looking at me to see what I do. Imagine people basing Christ off of how you live because you claim yourself as His follower aka a Christian??? Whoa is that not major? I don't want my struggle to hinder anyone but to assured that you are not alone, you are not the only one battling an issue and God is surely always there *praise break* I feel pressured knowing that if I fail or stumble it may cause someone else tostumble!!! YIKES I really don't want anyone following me because I need Jesus daily to help in my walk but He did call me to be a light to others ===> PRESSURE!!! I can't speak for anybody else but I know better which means I need to do better and get in place.
What has God called you to do? Are you afraid? Are you running? What are you struggling with (have you taken it to God)? Remember people are always watching you especially on social media (Pray for me in that area, y'all know I will rant qik!) so if you know better do better. Maybe you might need to bend it on ova and ASSUME THE POSITION yourself.
But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For
everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been
committed, of him they will ask the more.
everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been
committed, of him they will ask the more.