
Friday, September 14, 2012

What the WHAT?!?!

Ugh here we go again....betta yet here I go again with the back and forth, the inconsistency SPIRITUALLY! Y'all Candi is going thru which is why I  have NOT been comminting. I was tweeting w/ @Shedabeda and @ShantiKWright about what I am calling a transitional phase HECK might as well call it a re-re-REtransitional phase cuz I have been here and back around the track a few times ===> INCONSITENCY<==== with God, school, career goals, family, name it.

I am in a state of I DONT KNOW...I am CONFUSED about ever-re-thang which further confuses me. Truth be told I been running from God and what he told me to do...not do.

Have you ever tried running from someONE who was ever-re-where???? doesn't quite work out...

I see so many people who profess Christianity but they are apple bearing orange trees..huh? yea crazy right? I myself have slipped back into doing exactly what I had stopped doing and God has been checking me on it and I have been playing stupid like I don't know betta...2 Peter 2:21 ate me up!!! (That along w/ some other refreshers that were sent my way)

2 Peter 2:21 NLT It would be better if they had never known the way to righteousness than to know it and then reject the command they were given to live a holy life.

When I first started blogging I was trying to find my way and be different I was going to be different and witty and make everybody laugh and that has been going pretty well. Honestly when I first was introduced to blogging by @Sh_Speaks I was thinking of how can I use this as a tool to please God...and then I just went and did what the heck I wanted to do BUT NOW im can I use this as a tool to please God? <=== i figured nobody wanted to hear about God because usually when i rant on social media I get the most responses OH but let me talk about God and crickets show up and silence the masses! WELL APPARENTLY God isn't giving up on me (pre'sh8 that Lord) or His idea for me...He asked me why I'm not using my writing talent for Him? and that's when the crickets re-appeared...*I still have yet to answer His question*

anybody else eva get cleared by God or does He just tell me off *looks around...c'mon show of hands LOL!*

Yea so I am asking my sweet readers to stay with me on this journey there will be some changes coming soon BUT I know you'll love it tho cuz I'm still gone be Xtra cuz thats all I know how to be baby baby!!! I just want to talk about what matters like God and also share some of my battles and be Xtra real wit y'all in hopes that it can help at least one person. I will still be pointing out the foolishness my eyes partake in but I'm gong to take a different approach...or try to at least. :-) love ya'll


  1. And amen-d! People don't want to hear about God or so they say. Can't be totally true or Lecrae wouldn't have sold 70K the first week. People want to hear about Jesus and know Him but may not be bold about it because it isn't the popular thing. You do it! I got ya back. Stay true to who God made you, and thanks for taking us on your journey!

  2. Good post!! I'm excited to read about this journey you're on and getting to read about it as it happens is even better. I must say when you initially told me about your blog I was excited. I figure with you being a Christian and that being the most important part of you, it'd be all Jesus. But for a while you'd but the titles on twitter and the articles we're the opposite. Sn:Girl after your cris brown and drake story I relapsed into my Breezy addiction for a while an got back on MTO like everyday Lmbo so as you can imagine I had to stop reading for a while). But I def understand wha ur saying. People respond better to mess then something Godly, but as long as u stay focused on your "Target Audience" or decide who u want that to be(I think yours its young christian woman similar to yourself right?) It's easier to keep it God-centered. Better to have 1 view of a God centered story than to have 500 views on a gossip one right?

    Love you,

    Happy Blogging!! Send me the link every time u post

  3. Love no matter What you Go thru! I love that you are trying to better yourself and help others in the process!

  4. Im w/ shanti&sheda (esp shanti) on this one. I just assume the position1&2 and had to wash my eyeballs.. So im very glad to have read this. There have been days where ur fb post keep me going sis, days I feel like wtw am I going thru... & then u done went & post some frfr truth from that doggone nlt... Be encourage & know im in ya corner if u need me chile, I maynotbe as close as s&s but I gotcha back... Please the Lawd & take care of my bday twin... Romans 8 & gal 1:10 ;)

  5. "i figured nobody wanted to hear about God because usually when i rant on social media I get the most responses OH but let me talk about God and crickets show up and silence the masses!"
    Very rarely will the 'chosen' road will be popular amongst unbelievers, but... trust me when I say everybody is watching/reading (everybody = all religious backgrounds), and I done already told you, you can't be worried about whatever everybody says or doesn't say. WHO CARES?!!! Do what you've been 'told' to do--that's ALL that matters. Popular, or unpopular, as it may seem, you WILL get readers just because you are sharing real life and people need/want that. People (i.e. not-so-right Christians) need to see the 'reality' of someone's walk with God, so as to keep them motivated and encourage to continue their own walk. Keep up what you're doing, and don't worry about the readers either way. You will touch exactly who you were commissioned to.


    oh yeah, nice s/o!!!
