Sooooo if you are my "friend" on FB you might have saw my rant about me telling a lady off about telling me how to discipline MY son. If you didn't , looooong story short Aiden fell out in a store and we left, I sat him in the car and was explaining to him that when he falls out in public it constitutes a spanking, he understood. A lady asked if everything was ok with him blah blah blah and told me that I'm not suppose to spank my child. WELL y'all Candi flipped...bump stumbling I fell...and cursed her smoooooth out! <------ NOT indicative of a Christian to be clear, that was pure flesh. In that moment I felt justified. Not that I was justified in cursing out but in being upset with her. I couldn't believe some stranger tried to tell me how to discipline or the lack thereof the child that I carried and pushed out my body WHAAAAAAAT....that aunt it...a bystander told the police I was beating a child in my car (not only a lie but CRAY CRAY)so He came and checked into the matter and apologized for having to bother me after hearing both side "Just doing my job"...."me too".
Got me to thinking...
1. So is spanking YOUR child illegal?
2. Should you not spank YOUR child in public when they act up out of fear that someone who
doesn't discipline their child ( if they even have any) will reprimand you the parent or tell the authorities what they please?
3. If you can't spank/pop YOUR child in public what are your options? ( me personally I don't want my child thinking that falling out and screaming in public is acceptable, if I wait 30min to spank him when we get home...I'll prolly forget thus NOT reinforcing the bad behavior)?
4. What should you do when confronted by someone you don't know who has a problem with how you handle YOUR child?
NOW i don't have the answers to all the questions but I do know that spanking your child is NOT illegal. I got some good godly advice about the last one. Aidens dear, sweet aunty informed me sweetly that instead of going off I should have used the opportunity to witness and explain godly discipline. After I simmered down I realized that she was right! Ugh I was so upset with me...I always pop off at the mouth before I even have a chance to even think about thinking! So of course I had to go and tell God how ugly I acted and apologize and ask forgiveness and then look into wat a proper response should have been and shall be in the instance that occurs again (pray church).
So parents, future parents, aunties. uncles and grannies! If someone ever tries to correct you on how you discipline YOUR child their are many instances in the bible that can be used to witness or to explain why you do what you do. You can share on proper discipline or use the analogy of how God disciplines those He calls His children.
Parental discipline:
He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly. (Proverbs 13:24 NKJV)
*Don’t fail to discipline your children.
They won’t die if you spank them. Physical discipline
may well save them from death. (Proverbs 23:13, 14 NLT)
God disciplines his children:
Hebrews 12:5-11
Think about it: Just as a parent disciplines a child, the LORD your God disciplines you for your own good. (Deuteronomy 8:5 NLT)
In the KJV the word chasten is normally used in place of discipline. The concordance on has both under Strongs number H4148 (H = Hebrew)
1) discipline, chastening,correction
a. discipline
b. correction, chasening
Merriam Webster defines chasten as
1: to correct by punishment or suffering
Merriam Webster define discipline as
1: punishment
Other verses: 2 Samuel 7:14; Job 5:17; Psalms 94:18; 119:75; Proverbs 3:11; Isaiah 38:16: Corinthians 11:32; Revelations 3:19
Can you discipline without soanking? of course but some things need physical discipline ( ie, falling out on the floor in stores)
I have cousins and when they act up you best believe they get a back scratcher belt hands stinchin' cord or whatsanever I get my hands on I don't believe in. disrespectful children point blank PER IOD
ReplyDeleteTo much to responed and say but i was taught and truly believe you get it where you did it... Kids most know who's in control or they will grow up breaking the law... instill rights band wrong early and that means sometime you have to give spanking to get attention so be it.. My kids get my fist amd much more and I wish some one would try and check me!!!!