
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sour Patch Kids v. Daddy Dolla

Mega church leader Creflo Dollar was arerested last Friday and charged with simple battery, family violence, and cruelty to children. And if ya don't know, now ya know! Social media and mouths are running with this story so  let me tell it, put my spin on it and comMINT.

Sour Patch Kids
Was this an attempt to get at Daddy Dolla because of not being able to attend a party? Did the 15 yr old throw a lil temper tantrum and get checked by her daddy? Hmmm. In one report the older daughter said she saw her father grab her sista and slap her and that he choked her for 5 seconds (oh so you counting...). None of the articles I read had the 15 yr olds personal account which leads me to believe she either mute, know she was wrong or that the eldest sista orchestrated the whole shaBANG cuz she mad bout her allowances getting cut or something IDK. And who called the police? I think it was the older daughter cuz Laffy Taffi Dolla aint showed up in nobody report or paper. I have seen disgruntled kids get in trouble and then lie on there parents to get back at them but thisssssss.....

show of hands who's been slapped for getting outta line wit they parents *raises both hands*

Daddy Dolla
And in the left corna' we have the defending champ Daddyyyyy Dolllaaaa! First lets take Daddy Dolla of the pedestal and place him back on solid ground with every one else.... thank I shall I proceed, YES INDEED! What would cause a father to just lose it and lay the smack allllllllll the way down? Hmmm. Did he just snap after 1 neck and 2 eyes rolls? The man is under serious pressure daily so did he jus have a weak moment and need to transfer some pressure on the next person that tried him? *shrug* In one of the articles I read Daddy Dolla expressed that he was trying to restrain his daughter who had disrespected him and that he spanked her and sent her to her room. All that choking for 5 seconds and slapping nonsense is false he claims (egregious I say!)

Candi's ComMINTS
Being a parent of teen children can be difficult and I know because I didn't make it easy for mine ( Lord help me when Aiden time come)! When parents don't give in 2 their churn' wants the kids go and rebel in whateva way is going to get back at their parents BUT this was a bit much. Lil baby shoulda jus ran around the block 4 a few hours and had em' thinking she was missing like erbody else do nowadayz. Anywho, so yesterday an article was releases and to make a long blog semi short the older daughter reversed her statement the same day which backs up my idea that she orchestrated this whole shaBANG, now she need her 19 yr old behind whooped and sent to her room! There is a difference between abuse and discipline but society has gotten to where parents aren't allowed to discipline the churn' they created...WHAT?! As far as Candi is concerned you step in the way of me "disciplining" my son when it is warranted and you can popped (Tami Roman style) too.

Until til nxt time my Sweets!

1 comment:

  1. The laugh I just got>>>> but you are telling the truth. Good read CandiCaneJ
