
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Don't Force Me LGBT...

I asked nicely...

*Disclaimer* there is NO disclaimer some will like this post and some won't AND THATS FINE because I'ma LOVE THEM anyway.

I have watched gay protestor, ACLU and LGBT attack and slander anyone who disagrees with them from gay marriage, to people of the opposite sex using certain bathrooms and dressing room, getting married in churches et cetera ET CETERA and so forth as well.

NOW the issue of lebianism, gay, bisexual, and transgender...(NO disclaimer remember...) if a man wants to be with a man and a woman with a woman THAT is their business. I don't get it, never will and do NOT agree with the lifestyle and THAT is MY business...thank you.......thank you very much (Elvis vc). WHAT I DON'T LIKE is some LGBT supporters trying to FORCE everyone to agree with their lifestyle!!! I have watched on social as some attack people verbally about simply disagreeing with what they are doing, calling people who believe in heterosexual marriage and etc ignorant bigots...seriously?!

The Chick Fil A incident really did it for me because the owner never attack a person he just simply stated he agreed with heterosexual marriage and they were mad at him for using HIS money how HE wanted...huhn...they called him and his supportes all types of bigots.

Merriam states that a bigot (noun) is a person who is intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially one who treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance


Since when did disagreeing or having your own opinion become offensive in the land of the free and home of the Atlanta Braves?! So im a bigot because I stand firm in MY beliefs?!

I know a few people who practice homosexuality and they are nice and sweet and all things kind <=== that doesn't change the fact that I don't agree with or endorse their lifestyles nor does it change the fact that love them. I think gay supporters and the like need to sit and listen sometimes and stop trying so hard to get/argue/FORCE everyone to accept their way of life and just live how they want. There are some poeple who attack LGBT but there are others who don't attack the person they just don't agree with the lifestyle and get called a bigot by a bigot...

If someone steps to me on some homosexual stuff they betta come correct. I don't know karate but I know ka-razy! IJS, lol. I'll gladly explain my views but I won't debate or argue about it and then afterwards we can talk about whateva just not about their sexual life, thats all I ask..spare me the details of your love life. People complain about Christians forcing their beliefs on them but its cool if they do it <===NOT! Do you and live your life but don't force me to agree.

Share your stance peacefully...but don't force it on people and hopefully they will love you for who you are and not what you do.

1 comment:

  1. Touche. The road to destruction is wide. Stay on the narrow. Just realize the sometimes you will walk alone and wear the/ take up the cross daily. Stand up the Body of Christ
