
Saturday, December 15, 2012

When Tragedy Strikes

Social media and the news are buzzing  about the Sandy Hook Elementary #schoolshooting it's everywhere and being talk about by everyone. Adam Lanza 20 years old enter a school and the end result was 26 casualties; 6 adults and 20 children. My first feeling was of sadness and could someone shoot up little babies? Then the sadness became compassion because I as a parent can NOT imagine being told that the very place where your child is suppose to be safe is now the crime scene roped in tape surrounded by hurt, pain, tears, frantic chaos and uncertainty. My mind won't even allow me to imagine the scene, too imagine those little precious bodies.

Times like these we all band together and call on God and on each other. People that don't talk to God privately pray openly on cameras and social media. Faith is allegedly restored in the country briefly and we all cherish our families and love them and hug them and call them to maybe to hash out differences when tragedy strikes.  

When tragedy strikes religion is birthed for a moment until the smoke settles. For a moment we can say God and have faith when we normally get persecuted for saying such things or for praying....but when tragedy strikes its ok.

Don't wait until tragedy strikes to forgive or give a kiss you have call on God. Do those things while today is today because tomorrow is never promised. 

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing