
Monday, January 21, 2013

Wat Ever Happened To Talking?

Communication, communication, important.

I never learned how to communicate growing up, not something my family really did, never talked to my mom about anything I ever went through and I'm about to be 25. As time went past my way of communication became my way or the highway...i talk you listen and that's it...if you oppose me, i shut down because you attacking me and so on and so forth ===> just bad communication all around.

Lost so many important people in my life due to the lack of communication. Almost lost one yesterday(12-31-12)!!!! Its real outchea...but straight miscommunication and not communicating verbally will get you every time.

We are living in times where verbal communication and actually meeting up with people face to face is just about unheard of. Everybody is on social media and everyone is texting even grandmas and the lil babies! Everything is so impersonal ugh!!! Like I have more conversation through text and onine then anything.

At what point do we pick up the phone and say  "Hey, how are you [really] doing?" ===> Ah but then again we put all our business on social media so we pretty much know how each other is really doing....Like I check FB just to see how people are doing...the good, the bad AND the ugly. I have found out about engagements, births, break ups, and divorces first via the internet. Like seriously?! I just wish we could go back to really keeping in touch with people. Sp often poeple fall by the wayside if they aren't om social media...people have to announce that they are fasting from or leaving social media temporarily so they won't be forgotten.

Relationship are broken and damaged due to poor communication or just nonexistent communication. We text all of our feelings in a message instead of picking up the phone or meeting face to face...which in my experience isn't good because text holds no tone so you can text something and it can be taken the wrong way. That has happened to me ALOT so I learned to not text important conversation and feelings but to just wait until I can see that person or at least talk verbally so I can hear their tone.

Ooh and don't you hate when you call somebody and they text you back...argh!!!!

Before I go off on a tangent I just want to challenge everyone who reads this to communicate better....instead of haviing a full out convo on FB or Twitter pick up the phone and call someone you haven't talk to in awhile and tell me how it goes, I don't get em much but I LOVE commints.

1 comment:

  1. So i'm at work catching up on your blogs on my lunch :-).... I really enjoyed this one! "Relationship are broken and damaged due to poor communication or just nonexistent communication<--- I think a huge part of that comes in because we feel sooo connected via social media that you forget you haven't actually spoken to people in forever. Because you know every details of your friends lives via their news feed and time line that you feel like you already know everything. I don't think catching up via text is hossible but you have different communication styles for everyone. Some of my friends we text, some talk, some we only catch up in person... it's whatever works for each of us. But staying in touch with those we call friends is def important, you wanna fill them in on your lives before facebook does.
